Monday 24 October 2016

This Sunday, I attended to Writer's Festival's poem recital along with a couple other students of University Hill Secondary. At first I thought we would go and write essays or poems, hence the name "writer's festival". However, the festival was not what I expected, and was actually a pleasant surprise that it was a poem recital. Once the lights dimmed and the speakers stepped up onto the podium, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the poems of all four different poets, and two of them students. It surprised me at how the two students' poems are almost as good as the adults. Evelyn Lau's poems were extremely emotional and i felt pretty depressed while listening to it. The poem about the student's grandpa was also very nice. I would consider going to the next writer's festival. I enjoyed it very much.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Luke Cage review

Over the long weekend, I discovered a new series to watch on Netflix called Luke Cage. The show is a Netflix original by marvel, and since I'm a marvel fan, I gave the series a shot. Luke Cage it set in the town of Harlem, New York. Luke Cage is a fugitive from Seagate, a highly secure jail, who is looking for a normal life in the city of New York. However, due to multiple complications with gangsters, Luke found himself using his gift of being bulletproof against the gangs. I found this show extremely entertaining and sometimes educational, due to the fact that the show displays the dark events happening in ghettos of America. The first episode was rather bland, however when Luke exposes his special abilities in episode two, the show went uphill from there. In the episode I'm currently on, Luke is confronting a old friend that wants to kill him with special bullets that is able to penetrate Luke's otherwise impervious skin.

I rate this series 9/10 so far.